Sunday, April 23, 2017

Cancer, Ancient Atomic Mathematics and the Science-Art of Quantum Biology

Expert Author Robert Pope
As is commonly known, the pursuit of happiness ideal was fused into the basic design of the Constitution of the United States of America. Surprisingly, no one seems to know why and how that came about. Scholars knew it had something to do with a message from ancient Egypt's 'Eye of Horus', depicted at the top of a pyramid as part of the Great Seal of America. They also knew that this all-seeing eye message had been linked to the work of the Greek mathematician, Pythagoras, who had studied political ethics in ancient Egypt.
Some thought that the message might relate to a happiness of acquiring wealth through mechanical industrialisation. However, the discovery of quantum biology during the 21st Century demonstrated that a far greater potential wealth exists within new technologies able to harness the previously unknown natural properties of carbon, belonging to human life forms. The old acquisition of wealth, derived from a mechanical mindset, is now well recognised as being the cause of a future unsustainable carcinogenic existence on planet Earth. Within Science-Art research, humanity has an innate non-mechanical association with Einstein's protege, David Bohm's holographic universe.
The first Science-Art discovery of a holographic living force occurred late in the 20th Century, and came about by reuniting science with artistic feelings. This unification led to the discovery of new physics laws governing optimum seashell growth and development through space-time. These physics laws appear to belong to the ancient mathematics governing the political ethics embedded into the 'pursuit of happiness' concept. The world's largest technological institute, IEEE in Washington, reprinted this scientific breakthrough as one of the important optics discoveries of the 20th Century, placing it alongside such names as Louis Pasteur and Sir Francis Crick.
This historical event was fused into quantum biology research theory, by the recipients of the 2010 Gorgio Napolitano Medal, awarded on behalf of the Republic of Italy for their quantum biological physics and chemistry discoveries. The second discovery was that some artists throughout history had unconsciously depicted hidden stereoscopic, holographic images, in their paintings. While new technologies have developed infinite fractal logic techniques to manufacture such images, prevailing science remains completely oblivious to the fact that the human mind can create them. This is one example of the mathematician, Cantor's observation, that the mindset of modern science is inhabited by an unnatural fear of infinity, denying Newton's first principles of creative gravitational force by substituting the foolish falling apple myth in its place.
In order to provide a brief outline of this interesting, but very controversial story, a historical explanation appears to be warranted. Pythagoras' research was a precursor to the Platonic tradition of ancient Greek mathematical culture. That tradition fused further ethical concepts into Egyptian ethical atomic mathematics, in order to invent ethical science during the 3rd Century BC. The Egyptian mathematics was about the purpose of sacred geometry within invisible atoms, to make tiny seeds from which forms of life throughout the universe emerged. During the Egyptian Second Kingdom, their sacred geometrical logic, concerning justice, compassion and mercy, had been fused into political law, and later copied by other civilisations, to legalise the construction of hospitals and policies of caring for the aged.
The founding fathers of the flawed American Democratic system of politics attempted to establish a greater ethical, scientific, political system from ancient Greek science. However, the Christian Church, during the 4th Century AD, had declared the pagan mathematics to be the work of the Devil. Saint Augustine had incorrectly translated the property of unformed chaos within the atom, as being the evil of female sexuality. He associated the mathematics with the mechanistic worship of Ishtar, the Babylonian Goddess of prostitution and war. However, this was not the mathematics that the Great Library of Alexandria was developing at the time. Nonetheless its Science-Art scrolls were destroyed by rioting Christian fanatics.
The linking of the Egyptian pursuit of happiness concept to quantum biological cancer research, during the 21st Century, was clearly predicted by the mathematician, Georg Cantor. Born in 1845, Cantor developed his infinite mathematical theories from the ancient Greek ethical science, derived from earlier Egyptian atomic mathematics. His work is now basic to modern scientific science. However, Cantor's ability to intuit the future discovery of Mandelbrot's infinite fractal logic, embraced ideas that prevailing Christian oriented science, finds completely incomprehensible.
Cantor knew that Aristotle was a central figure in the Platonic tradition of philosophy and investigated the mathematical theory upholding his research into the pursuit of happiness concept. Aristotle had linked the pursuit of happiness to a future science, to guide ennobling government for the health of the universe. This idea was obviously about a future medical science, using sacred geometrical logical ideas, beyond the limitations of our prevailing science, which considers that the only universal energy in existence flows from hot to cold. Cantor saw that the living process extended to infinity, in contradiction to this universal heat death concept, which condemns all life to eventual extinction. This universal heat death sentence became scientifically irrevocable after Charles Darwin used it as the basis of his evolutionary theory. Later, Einstein declared that this entropic law governed all aspects of science, including political, economic and medical.
When the framers of the American Constitution tried to bring Aristotle's political vision into reality they defined the ethical idea of liberty incorrectly. Liberty embracing the pursuit of happiness within a medical science for universal health was assumed to obey Sir Isaac Newton's emotionless laws governing the workings of his mechanical universe. The Founding Fathers, unaware of Newton's more natural, profound theory of gravitation, erroneously based the concept of liberty only upon his mechanical description of the universe. Newton published his little known theory at the risk of being burnt alive by order of the Church. He insisted that gravitational force was a non-mechanical spiritual force evolving emotional consciousness within an infinite universe. As a result of publishing that opinion he was held by the Church to be criminally insane, and suffered a mental breakdown for which he was hospitalised.
Newton was most likely aware that his contemporary, the philosopher of science, Giordano Bruno, had been imprisoned by the Church in Rome, tortured, then burnt alive for teaching about the ethical Greek science at Oxford University. Newton's published heretical gravitational theory was featured in his 28th Query Discussions in the second edition of his famous journal, Opticks, as anyone can easily verify. Also, his unpublished Heresy Papers and copies of his private letters, written during the height of his genius, demonstrate that Newton was not insane when he published his spiritual theory of gravity. Newton most certainly did not believe that reality was governed by the functioning of a clockwork universe, as modern quantum mechanics science had incorrectly assumed.
The Romantic era, from about 1800 to 1850, consisted of an artistic, literary and philosophical movement, which erroneously condemned Newton for promoting lifeless theories of science. The movement was ignorant that his first physics principles actually associated gravity with the living process, derived from ancient Greek Platonic science. William Blake, the poet and artist, along with other principle figures of the Romantic era, held Newton in contempt. They had not realised that Immanuel Kant, 1724-1804, one of the most influential philosophers of science in the history of Western philosophy, had given electromagnetic properties to Newton's concept of emotional gravitational force. They were also unaware of the scientific insights of the poet, Alexander Pope, who had been greatly praised by Kant for his knowledge of ancient Greek philosophy.
Alexander Pope is considered one of the greatest English poets of the eighteenth century. His famous 'Essay on Man' consisted of four parts. The first Epistle, was about man's place in the universe; Epistle II, was concerned with the individual person; Epistle III related to man within human society governed by political structures; and Epistle IV with the political ideal of the pursuit of happiness.
Alexander Pope's concept of an ethical infinite universal purpose can be seen to be compatible to Newton's theory of gravitational force, evolving ethical emotional consciousness within an infinite universe. Einstein modified Newton's theory of light and later altered it to give more credence to Newton's original concept. Some scholars have considered that Alexander Pope's linking of Newton's theory of light to an infinite ethical purpose, from the perspective of Kantian pure logic, explains why Immanuel Kant considered Alexander Pope to be a great genius. Pope's ideas were well known to the leaders of the electromagnetic Golden Age of Danish Science.
In 2002, Harvard University and Massachusetts University held an international symposium to tell the world of the social importance of the message of the electromagnetic Danish Golden Age of Science. They noted that its crucial message had been written mostly in Danish and not translated, making it invisible to English speaking scholarship. However, Immanuel Kant, a leading personality of that Golden Age, had written that the English poet, Alexander Pope, had given the ancient Greek theories an artistic expression. The discoverer of the electromagnetic field, Hans Christian Oersted and his colleague, Friedrich Schelling, were also principle figures of the Golden Age. Their own Science-Art theories gave credence to Newton's first principles, necessary for the healthy and ethical evolution of humanity. Their theories have been associated with Alexander Pope's development of a similar concept.
Georg Cantor's mathematical logic condemned the idea that all life in the universe must be destroyed after its heat had radiated away into cold space. This universal heat death law simply contradicted his discovery of mathematical infinity, which he had linked to the evolution of life. His work, attacked by many of the world's leading mathematicians, led to his conclusion that the scientific mind was inhabited by a primitive, myopic fear of infinity. The solution to this emotionally traumatic, carcinogenic situation can be easily obtained in the light of advanced quantum biology cancer research. But it requires a more profound understanding about Aristotle's concept of a medical science needed to guide ennobling government.
A first step is to produce evidence that this illogical scientific fear of infinity does exist. Modern science knows very well that an infinite fractal logic exists, but it is unable to allow for fractals to be part of the living process as it is obsessed with its falsely assumed thermodynamic extinction. This is completely illogical because the functioning of the molecule of emotion has been identified, beyond doubt, as obeying infinite fractal logic.
A second step is to refer to Sir Isaac Newton's firm conviction that the universe is infinite. His first principles of gravitational force were not mechanical but belonged to the ancient Geek emotional atomistic science, as mentioned above. Whether or not this was a criminally insane reasoning, as claimed by the Church, is of no importance. Isaac Newton most certainly did not advocate a mechanical clockwork-like universe. Therefore, Einstein's stating that the mechanical heat death law was the premier law of all the sciences, in particular political, economic and medical economic sciences, were based upon false assumptions. Isaac Newton wrote that such a pretentious scientific first principle logic would contaminate scientific philosophy, just as the mathematician, Cantor, discovered when he researched the origins of the concept of the pursuit of happiness.
In advanced quantum biology cancer research Einstein's energies of mechanical quantum chaos are entangled with another universal energy, known as Shannon-Weiner information energy, which does not flow from hot to cold. The 1937 Nobel Laureate, Szent-Gyorgyi, noted that failure to visualise that consciousness evolved through such an energy entanglement depicted a primitive mindset associated with cancerous growth and development.
The book 'Phantoms in the Brain', written by V.S Ramachandran M.D., Ph.D., and Sandra Blakeslee, about how the brain works, was very highly acclaimed by Nobel Laureate, Francis Crick Ph.D.,. Within the book, mention is made of the mental affliction known as anosognosia, about which almost nothing is known. The question is raised as to why this affliction should exist when it seems detrimental to our survival. Anosognosis can be considered to present a model of denial that the mathematician, Georg Cantor, described as existing within the scientific mind, as a blind fear of infinity.
The human survival message contained in 'Phantoms in the Brain' is so advanced that it can be considered to readily apply to solving the current extinction obsession inhabiting the modern scientific mind. The funding to carry out this objective will come from a new understanding of first cause cancer research principles and this will be made possible by reuniting the culture of art with the culture of science. That project has been publicly classified by leading quantum biologists in Europe as being the rebirth of the lost original Greek science - the 21st Century Renaissance.
Quantum biology cancer research not only addresses this human survival problem but can be seen to be the foundation upon which an omni human survival technology can be constructed. This technology was clearly alluded to by the champion of American liberty, Ralph Waldo Emerson, during Georg Cantor's lifetime. Emerson echoed Cantor's concern that an association of infinite mathematical logic with human evolution was not tolerated within the American scientific mind. His logic argued that infinite Sanskrit mathematics, leading to a truly democratic technological culture, had been forbidden, because industrial mechanical greed had enslaved the minds of the American people to deny its very existence. He blamed this phenomenon upon America having inherited a false mechanical, mathematical worldview from ancient Babylonian culture.
The 1957 the New York University of Science Library published a book entitled 'Babylonian Myth and Modern Science' which stated that Einstein had developed his theory of relativity from the intuitive mythological mathematics of ancient Babylon. Unintentionally, Einstein's great genius was only about the mechanical functioning of the universe, which can now be successfully modified through its entanglement with the information energies of quantum biology. Reference to ancient Mesopotamian cultures leads to a storybook tale of how and why the mental disease of anosognosis led to modern science worshipping the concept of human extinction. The worship of Einstein's heat death law, sentencing humanity to extinction, was the one that the mathematician, Lord Bertrand Russell, advocated in his most famous essay, 'A Freeman's Worship'. Both Russell and Einstein were awarded Nobel Prizes for their mechanistic, entropic worldview theories.
The Pyramid Texts discovered by Gaston Maspero in 1881 were about the advanced sacred geometrical purpose within invisible atoms, depicted by the Egyptian god Atum. The god declared, from the dark abyss of initial chaos 'Let there be light', centuries before the Hebrew and Christian religions came into being. Atum decreed that all created life would eventually return back into the original state of chaos, which modern science now accepts as being inevitable.
During the reign of Pharaoh Akhenaten the various Egyptian gods were dismissed and the worship of one god, the sun god, Ra, was established. That period was short-lived and Akhenaten's city, built to honour Ra, quickly fell into ruin. During the reign of Ramses the Great, the Egyptian religion governing political law followed the teachings of the Goddess, Maat, in which humans could become immortal within an infinite universe. The geometrical logic of the infinite Egyptian mathematics was further developed by Greek scholars, such as Thales during the 6th Century BC and Pythagoras in the 5th Century BC. The Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy used the ethical atomic mathematics to invent ethical science in the 3rd Century BC. The Greeks defined gravity as an emotional whirling force acting upon primitive particles in space, to make the worlds spin and generate harmonic knowledge to guide the evolution of ethical, emotional thought.
In 2008, The Times Literary Supplement included 'The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution' by C P Snow in its list of the 100 books that most influenced Western public discourse since the Second World War. It is crucial that we now heed the warning by the molecular biologist, Sir C P Snow, during his 1959 Reid Lecture at Cambridge University, that unless science and art are again reunited, despite modern science's primitive belief in the universal heat death extinction law, then civilisation will be destroyed.
Professor Robert Pope is the Director of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, Uki, NSW, Australia. The Center's objective is to initiate a second Renaissance in science and art, so that the current science will be balanced by a more creative and feminine science. More information is available at the Science-Art Centre website:
Professor Robert Pope is a recipient of the 2009 Gold Medal Laureate for Philosophy of Science, Telesio Galilei Academy of Science, London. He is an Ambassador for the Florentine New Measurement of Humanity Project, University of Florence, is listed in Marquis Who's Who of the World as an Artist-philosopher, and has received a Decree of Recognition from the American Council of the United Nations University Millennium Project, Australasian Node.
As a professional artist, he has held numerous university artist-in-residencies, including Adelaide University, University of Sydney, and the Dorothy Knox Fellowship for Distinguished Persons. His artwork has been featured of the front covers of the art encyclopedia, Artists and Galleries of Australia, Scientific Australian and the Australian Foreign Affairs Record. His artwork can be viewed on the Science-Art Centre's website.

1 comment:

  1. Physical science have a great importance to learn. To get better health care we need to aware about this education. So i hope such kind education is more need for us.


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