Sunday, April 23, 2017

Platonic Fullerene Chemistry, Nanotechnology, Liberty, Freedom, Science and the US Constitution

Dear reader, this Ezine article has been written for perusal by over 6000 nano-scientists. Its theme suggests to the general public that ethical nanotechnology has an important role to play in bringing about a new age of global liberty and freedom. It can be argued that this can come about if nanotechnology is developed in liaison with a medical science, to guide ennobling government for the betterment of the global human condition. While the article is about the fractal nature of Mesopotamian mythological mathematics, it is fully realised that other ancient cultures, including Indian and Chinese civilisations, contributed infinite fractal mathematical concepts into the formation of the ancient 3rd Century BC Platonic tradition of Greek science.
Discussions about politics, sex and religion tend to provoke intense controversy. However, this paper is about a broad generalisation of all three of these contentious issues. They are so complex that only a supercomputer, given thousands of years of data could adequately explain their functioning in the great game of life, which is related to healthy human evolution.
During the 1990s, the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia had its supercomputer papers about seashell life-form energies reprinted by the world's leading technological research institute, IEEE., and an American Institute for Basic Research. These papers were internationally acclaimed for the discovery of new mathematical and physics laws governing optimum biological growth and development through space-time. The aim of this article is to help in the construction of a second supercomputer program, which can be referred to as the Fuller-Snow 'World Game Cooperative Theory' for human survival.
China's most highly awarded physicist, Kun Huang, provided the research methodology used to make the discovery of the new physics laws possible. He argued personally with Albert Einstein over the issue. Now, nanotechnology has confirmed that his seashell advice in 1979 applies directly to the human condition.
The ancient Egyptians used the sacred geometries of life to give an intuitive expression of the working of an infinite universe. Mainstream science now realises that they were using aspects of fractal geometrical logic extending to infinity. However, our present global science and technology forbids that geometrical logic to belong to any living evolutionary process. Einstein's genius can now be truly immortalised by modifying it so that his universal energies of chaos are shown to entangle with these long lost ancient infinite life energies.
The 20th Century Einsteinian world-view was governed by a law of universal chaos that demands that all life in the universe must become extinct. Therefore, under these circumstances the living process cannot possibly extend to infinity. However, nanotechnology has demonstrated that the ancient Greek science was correct.
The human molecule of emotion, discovered in 1972, now part of quantum biology's entanglement with Einstein's quantum mechanics, is, in fact, an infinite fractal expression. Our emotions function in complete contradiction to the laws governing our present destructively imbalanced science and technology.
This means that, as was discovered only last century, emotions belong to Sir Isaac Newton's more profound natural philosophy to balance his mechanical description of the universe. It is important that his world-view is freed from any further Christian classification of this being a criminally insane heresy. Newton held to his more profound concepts of an infinite universe, when he wrote his great theories of science. This is evident in his personal letters to Richard Bentley, in which he linked gravity with light, to provide evolutionary instruction to the human metabolism. It is unreasonable to insist that mercurial fumes from his alchemy laboratory resulted in a criminally insane mind, at the same time when he was accomplishing such things.
The modern day unbalanced scientific world-view constitutes a political nightmare of global proportions. With modification, this can be adequately addressed in the form of a medical supercomputer program, functioning to guide ennobling governments throughout the world. The resultant technology, for the betterment of the human condition, is beyond the conception of present unbalanced mainstream science. However, given the opportunity, there are enough learned scholars to compose the computer program, thanks to the scientist Kun Huang. It is now possible to extend the seashell research in order to obtain the quantum biological blueprint for human survival.
During the 6th Century BC the Greek geometer, Thales, travelled to Egypt to study political ethics. Following him in the 5th Century BC, the mathematician, Pythagoras, also studied political ethics in Egypt. They brought back to Greece the mathematical structure of Western Democracy. The Greek philosopher Anaxagoras had derived a theory of creation from the mythological-mathematical theories of the Egyptian creator god Atum (Atom), mentioned in the 'Pyramids Texts'. Then, for over two hundred years the Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy fused ethics into Anaxagoras' theory of creation. This was in order to invent science so that civilisation would not become extinct, as had other life forms discovered as fossils.
Aspects of nano-science show that the resultant science had successfully linked mathematics to the living process, in line with the workings of an infinite universe. This is contrary to the ethos of Einstein's theory of relativity, which he derived from Babylonian mythological mathematics.
During the 3rd Century BC two Greek life-sciences came into existence. one was called the 'Science for ethical ends' incorporating atomic Platonic love and the other was the 'Science of universal love', based upon Epicurean emotional atomic theory. These sciences came about to guide ennobling government, so that humans could play their part within an infinite ethical universal purpose, thus avoiding extinction. Nearby, in the Mystery Schools of Babylon, worship of the sacred geometries was motivated by the teachings of Ishtar, the Goddess of sexual prostitution and warfare.
Plato understood that once a physical atomic science totally ruled civilisation, as it does today, the prehistoric arms race legacy would one day accelerate, triggering the emergence of the destructive properties of ancient Egypt's understanding of primordial universal chaos. Plato's concept 'evil' was about the anti-life properties of nuclear unformed matter spreading as an obsession into the psyche of civilisations. Various national governments, powerless to stop the nuclear arms race because of governmental national security laws, would eventually bring about the chaos of total destruction upon civilisation. Nanotechnology on the other hand, could step in to provide a medical science, free energy, food and water, across the globe, in order to prevent this nightmare situation from happening.
Harvard University Press advises that the rebirth of the lost Greek atomic sciences was instigated by Marcilio Ficino, during the 15th Century. He used the book, 'Plato's Theology' to create what is now called the Great Italian Renaissance. Leonardo da Vinci, contrary to popular belief, was not a central figure to that Renaissance.
The mathematician, Fibonacci, taught Leonardo the sacred geometrical mathematical ethos belonging to the Mystery Schools of Babylon, which worshipped warfare. On the other hand, the inclusion of Platonic love as a property of the atoms of the soul (the molecule of emotion discovered by Candace Pert in 1972) had placed atomic ethics into the mathematical equations that Fibonacci obtained from the Babylonian Mystery Schools.
The American engineer, Buckminster Fuller, who wrote the book 'Utopia or Oblivion' fully understood the nature of Plato's grim warning and realised that we must modify the Einsteinian understanding of universal energy, or perish. Harvard University's Novartis Professor Amy Edmondson, in her on-line biography entitled 'A Fuller Explanation', wrote that in his excitement to write his theories, Fuller neglected to explain to the public that his ideas for humanity's survival were derived directly from Plato's mathematical research.
The molecular biologist, Sir C P Snow, also wrote a book about the need to save civilisation from collapse, due to the prevailing Einsteinian understanding of universal energy. He considered it imperative to link modern science back to the culture of the Platonic Humanities. In 2008 the Times Literary Supplement published that it considered Snow's book to be among the 100 most important books written since World War II.
The Christian Church, during the 5th Century AD, destroyed the Great Library of Alexandria and murdered its custodian, the mathematician, Hypatia. Saint Augustine then banished Plato's mathematics as being the work of the Devil, mistaking it for the mathematics associated with the teachings of Ishtar, the Babylonian Goddess of war and prostitution. Augustine had translated the evil of unformed matter in the atom as the evil of female sexuality, later used as an excuse for the horrific sexual rites that the Christian Church lather condoned.
The sadistic torturing and burning alive of countless numbers of women and girl children as witches was practised for three hundred years until the mid 17th Century. In the 18th Century the Church's fanatical opposition to ancient Greek mathematical atomic science, as the work of the Devil, was transferred into the very fabric of the Constitution of the United States of America, without the American people realising what had happened.
Giordano Bruno, considered to be the father of modern science, taught about the science of universal love, at Oxford University. For doing this, upon returning to Rome he was imprisoned, tortured and burnt alive by the Roman Church in 1600. During the 20th Century, the unpublished papers of Sir Isaac Newton were discovered, in which Newton expressed his conviction that a more profound natural philosophy existed to complete the mechanical description of the universe. Newton's model of the universe was infinite and its functioning was upheld by the same physics principles that upheld the ancient Greek science for ethical ends and the science of universal love. Newton's balancing physics principles were exactly those used by the philosopher Schelling when he corrected Immanuel Kant's electromagnetic ethic for perpetual peace on earth.
Isaac Newton, a contemporary of Bruno, aware of his fate, dared not publish those same ideas. As it was, his infinite universe theories remain classified today as Newton's Heresy Papers. This may help explain why a 50 million pound research program at Cambridge University, to look for its associated technology, was cancelled outright by the British Government. Nonetheless, nanotechnology has revealed the incredible magnitude of that technology's capacity to benefit the global human condition, well beyond the scope of entropic science.
The Constitution of the United States of America came into existence in 1787, based upon the ancient Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy. Within the Christian culture, Sir Isaac Newton's banished heresy physics principles were completely omitted. Alexander Hamilton, during the framing of the Constitution, defined 'Liberty' as being ensured by the design of government based upon physics and geometrical principles. The physics principles used to construct the American Constitution belonged to the published physics of Sir Isaac Newton and the geometrical principles belonged to the geometry of Euclid. The current blockbuster film, 'Lincoln ' depicts the President of America explaining that the abolishment of slavery was fused into Euclidean geometrical logic. In fact it was tied into the infinite geometrical logic upholding the functioning of the Platonic universe. If the will of the people wish it so, the American Constitution can now be amended to become the true symbol of liberty for all the world.
The ancient Greek intuitive understanding about the anti-life properties of nuclear chaos predicted the way our state of emotion interacts with physical reality. In 2011 two Chinese scientists used mathematics to prove how the Fullerene dance of life of protein enfolding in DNA, functioned outside the laws governing Einstein's world-view. This was pre-empted ten years earlier when the Science-Art Research Centre published a lecture delivered at Yangzhou University in China. The paper stated that this protein dance of life in DNA caused Fullerene carbon-signalling to generate the geometrical construction of emotion-forming substances influencing mental functioning.
The Centre reasoned that because Einsteinian mathematics was unable to generate healthy seashell growth through space-time, it was innately carcinogenic. The 1937 Nobel Laureate in medicine, Szent-Gyorgyi, also argued that the scientific refusal to allow any interaction of consciousness with Einstein's chaos energies, brought about an unnatural conflict between emotional intuition and unbalanced scientific rationalism, considered to be associated with cancer. In 1998, cancer researchers in America associated Szent-Gyorgyi's theories to carbon signalling within DNA.
Be this as it may, the anti-life conflict within the human biological system, where natural emotional intuition is forced to conform to the dictates of our unbalanced science, does prevent healthy evolution from occurring. People at present are virtually powerless to prevent the effects of what Plato described as uncensored art, where mind pleasing forms along with irresponsible music, provides an illusionary belief in reality, while the entropic engineering mindset prepares for continual warfare.
Nanotechnology can provide us all with water, food, energy and raw materials from virtually nothing. Instead, we are contented to maintain a stock-market job enslavement obsession, in order to pollute the planet and the energy system belonging to the living process. The entropic dictatorship of global economic rationalism, obeying total chaos logic, might be considered rational for those controlling the money system, but it is certainly not based upon ethical scientific principles. If nanotechnology directs the function of artificial intelligence to wage war, then the deployment of invisible undetectable nano weapons of mass destruction will become humanity's common enemy.
The mathematical sacred geometrical concepts of mercy, compassion and justice, can be found depicted in wall paintings of the Egyptian 1st Kingdom. These mythological-mathematics became political law in the 2nd Kingdom, explaining the origins of such things as modern hospitals and old age pensions. The ancient Greeks used these mathematical virtues to develop an infinite science for human survival, which we are forbidden to debate within the fixed confines of 20th Century science and technology.
The seriousness of a hidden fanatical religious act contaminating Newton's physics principles during the framing of the American Constitution is easy to demonstrate. It prevented the Platonic spiritual (now holographic) optical human survival engineering technology from being developed.
Although Plato's spiritual optical engineering principles were later corrected by 'History's Father of Optics', Al Haitham, during the Golden Age of Islamic Science, the issue is quite obvious. Plato, Al Haitham, and other philosophers such as Philo, Plotinus and Hesoid, had warned that by using the senses, in particular the eye, as the source of cosmic knowledge, the destructive properties of unformed matter would emerge from the atom to destroycivilisation. Da Vinci, Descartes and Sir Francis Bacon, pivotal figures in bringing in the mechanistic industrial age, used the eye as the source of all knowledge.
Albert Einstein made exactly the same mistake. During 1924 to 1927 the world-view of quantum mechanics was that visual observation affects reality. Einstein's E=Mc squared did indeed allow the ancient unformed matter to emerge from the atom. We are approaching the point where Humanity's common enemy will be the anti-life ethos of artificial intelligence, masquerading as a benevolent Diabolis, the God of Chaos, that we now worship globally via the stock market.
The Science-Art Research Centre's book 'The 21st Century Renaissance', points out that Einstein developed his world-view from the use of the sacred geometries associated with the mythological-mathematics used in the worship of ancient Babylon's Goddess, Ishtar. Her sexual mathematics are very complex, but it appears that Einstein's colleague, the Nobel Prize winner and mathematician Lord Bertrand Russell, was influenced by Ishtar's teachings. During the 20th Century Russell became Britain's best known advocate of free love and sex. His first three marriages became sordid sexual dramas in the British courts and in 1940 his professorial position at the College of New York was annulled by a police court order, as being immoral.
Bertand Russell's most famous essay was entitled 'A Freeman's Worship' in which Russell insisted that we have no other choice but to worship Einstein's entropic death sentence upon all of life in the universe. In 1957 the New York University Library of Science, published a book entitled, 'Babylonian Myth and Modern Science', in which Einstein is shown to have developed his theory of relativity from the mythological-mathematics of ancient Babylon. Plato, on the other hand, had developed mythological mathematics from the Mystery Schools of ancient Egypt, which were about preventing the universe from reverting back into its original chaos. Nanotechnology proved that the Platonic atomic science was correct and the engineer Buckminster Fuller had adequately upgraded it. It is now possible to upgrade Fullers solution to the human survival theories of Sir C P Snow.
The solution to the global energy crisis is simple. Buckminster Fuller alluded to it with his 'Cooperative World Game Theory' for the betterment of the global human condition. In Fuller's own words, 'Make the world work, for 100% of humanity, in the shortest possible time, through spontaneous cooperation, without ecological offence or the disadvantage of anyone'.
IBM's supercomputer, Deep Blue, beat the world's chess champions and their supercomputer Watson, beat America's players of the more complex game Jeopardy. Such a computer game, based upon medical science ethics, will bring into human consciousness the methodology advocated by the Fuller-Snow cooperative world game of life.
The Science-Art Research Centre of Australia is now only interested in helping to create the Fuller-Snow super computer program. The new game containing thousands of years of relevant negentropic speculations, will instantly and collectively raise our chaotic consciousness into a comprehension of Fuller's infinite synergistic universe. People can then play the game of life unimpeded with conflicting religious dogmas, in order to upgrade human survival consciousness. The governing Platonic Fullerene Chemistry medical science, given legal status, can then guide ennobling government based on the issue of global security and nanotechnology supra-wealth for all.
The three 1996 Nobel Laureates in Medicine, established a new medical chemistry based upon the negentropic properties of Fullerene carbon molecules. As Buckminster Fuller had derived his balanced model of universal reality upon the mathematics of Plato, the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia renamed it as Platonic Fullerene Chemistry, now influencing the education of chemistry throughout the world.
All revenue from Science-Art Paintings, sold through the Centre's non-profit research organisation, goes to the project, to help bring the Fuller-Snow supercomputer into existence. This funding model of ethical science through the arts was published in 1993 by LEONARDO, the 'International journal for the Arts,Sciences and Technology.
© Professor Robert Pope, Advisor to the President Oceania and Australasia of the Institute for Theoretical Physics and Advanced Mathematics (IFM) Einstein-Galilei
Professor Robert Pope is the Director of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, Uki, NSW, Australia. The Center's objective is to initiate a second Renaissance in science and art, so that the current science will be balanced by a more creative and feminine science. More information is available at the Science-Art Centre website:
Professor Robert Pope is a recipient of the 2009 Gold Medal Laureate for Philosophy of Science, Telesio Galilei Academy of Science, London. He is an Ambassador for the Florentine New Measurement of Humanity Project, University of Florence, is listed in Marquis Who's Who of the World as an Artist-philosopher, and has received a Decree of Recognition from the American Council of the United Nations University Millennium Project, Australasian Node.
As a professional artist, he has held numerous university artist-in-residencies, including Adelaide University, University of Sydney, and the Dorothy Knox Fellowship for Distinguished Persons. His artwork has been featured of the front covers of the art encyclopedia, Artists and Galleries of Australia, Scientific Australian and the Australian Foreign Affairs Record. His artwork can be viewed on the Science-Art Centre's website.
He is the author of the 2012 book 'The 21st Century Renaissance', written in liaison with Florence University's New Measurement of Humanity Project and the former Head of the Development Sector of the AEG-Telefunken Institute of Automatic Control in Franfurt, Hamburg and Berlin, the late Professor Wolfgang Weber, recipient of the 1885 Albert Einstein Order of Honour.

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Platonic Fullerene Chemistry, Nanotechnology, Liberty, Freedom, Science and the US Constitution

Dear reader, this Ezine article has been written for perusal by over 6000 nano-scientists. Its theme suggests to the general public that e...