Thursday, August 8, 2013

Recent Technology and Devices That Have Altered The Human Race

How Technology has evolved in the past
Technology is something that makes our world change in ways it hasn't before. Science isn't just a job, or profession. It's something we all have deep within us. As we continue down our path of evolution, science begins to change our life in greater ways, our abilities and capabilities evolve, and our goals change. Modern science is changing the world we live in just as it has in our history, and soon things will begin to change at a more rapid pace. Take into account how it was only a few decades ago that people grew up without a telephone, without a car, and without a computer. When humans took science by the reigns and accomplished so much within decades, everyone and everything began to change for the better. These life changing moments, these inventions, these gizmo's and gadgets are the very stepping stones that fueled us for the science we do today.
Where it's heading today
So we've taken leaps through evolution throughout the last ten decades, but what about the world today and what's going on to take us further? Maybe these inventions are more subtle now that we're accustom to a quickly changing world, but they're still very present. Take the recent production of the Apple iPhone or the Apple iPad. They were both so life changing, so powerful, that other companies started to follow Apple and it has started a race to the top. Now businesses are fighting to produce the next best copycat, or the next better device that rivals Apple's products.
How today's technology is still progressing
Now you might be thinking, these inventions are nothing compared to the creation of the car, the phone, and other monumental moments in human history. It may even seem like production is slowing down, or capabilities are reached and we're not discovering anymore life changing technology. These thoughts couldn't be more incorrect. Just take the latest production, the 3D HD flat screen television which are now pencil thin, and compare those to older television produced just years ago. You could make a similar comparison to regular DVD's and Bluray. These are small adaptations that are sparked by an evolving world in science. They may not seem drastic, but once again they are stepping stones.
Why it sometimes slows, and how it keeps moving
Science has already discovered many new things that would completely change the world. However, with any great discovery there are always concerns. What's the biggest concern in the world today? There's no doubt that it's money. Consider that money has the power to put an invention into stores quicker because if there's profit potential, there's production. Sometimes you have to take into account that the world just isn't prepared for things. The electric car is a great example because even though we've discovered something great, that doesn't mean that everyone who owns a car is going to rush out and buy one. Making consumers buy something isn't as quick as you may think. They're going to analyze it and find that their gas car sounds better, drives stronger, and is more attractive. Now these are significant cons that electric cars face when compared to gas, and their cons that developers will need to address in order to help the world. There's many factors with all products, and it might take the developers time to produce a better sounding motor for electric cars, but that could be the moment that customers begin to truly appreciate their beauty. No one knows for sure, but it's definite that science is progressing far more than it even was when the television and phone was invented. It's these defining moments in life that we're breaching the capabilities we thought we had and going beyond our beliefs in science. If you consider traveling into space and rockets, just picture the potential we have up there. We're creating the technology now that will one day propel us into space and allow us to reach new planets, new galaxies, and hopefully new life. No one could ever fathom how incredible those discoveries would be. They wouldn't just change how we perform our daily life, they would change our thoughts, our beliefs, and everything as we know it.

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